Last Friday, I was heading to school on south bound I 15. I had a not wanted to go to school that morning, because I was tired and didn't feel like doing the things we had going on that day, but I went anyways. So I'm heading down the free way and all of a sudden I feel like I've hit a bumpy patch of road, but it didn't stop. Then, I started to smell rubber... Yeah my back right tire blew!!! My dad had seen a screw in it earlier and said he would get it fixed soon. Well apparently my tire had lost so much air in it that it began to scrape against something (I don't know car lingo) and my tire was ripped apart where the screw had been (He felt bad and said he would pay to get it fixed). So I'm on the side of the free way calling my mom. She said to call 911 and ask for highway patrol or emergency management. I didn't think it was such a big deal because moms freak out about their children all the time but apparently it was. I waited for nearly 45 minutes for the high way patrol to come to my rescue because my mom, dad, and brother were all at work. While sitting in the car, with the cars rushing past me and my car jerking back and forth, my mom texted me to say a prayer(cute, right?). Well I'm alive and my car is fixed so I would say that's a prayer well answered. Anyways, once the officer came he asked me if I'd ever changed a tire before. ummmm no.... hahaha Well he taught me and had me change the tire. He escorted me from behind (with his lights on!) to the next exit and I then took the back roads to beck street, back to North Salt Lake and, then back to Woods Cross because I couldn't go over 45 mph on my spare tire. I was all tuckered out from that experience so I didn't go to school that day, I went home and SLEPT!! I was stranded on the free way for about 45 minutes and the whole ordeal took about 2 hours driving to, then the blown tire, and THEN driving home. I'd say I deserved a day to myself ^_^

(This isn't really my picture, it only illustrates my situation!)
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