So, as I have said before, I am going to school to become an aesthetician and it's been a bumpy road. I LOVE what I do, and learning about the skin and how I can help others with their skin care needs, but it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard going to school with a ton of girls from all back grounds and ages. It has been an eye opener of the real world, and how unethical this world really is. Details are a little too personal and not for this kind of setting to explain into detail but I can tell you that it leaves me dumb founded... other than that, I am loving the industry and am surprised by how many people want my "professional opinion" regarding their skin or skin in general. So I will leave you with a little tip each blog of what you can do for your skin.
**Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, and Sulfur are good ingredients for acne. There are others but those seem to work the best for people.
Back to life out side of school.....ummmm.......I have no life out of school!!! No boys, no dating, no hanging out a lot, no nothing just enjoying my weekends off from school, watching movies and reading Lord of the Ring; The Fellowship. Pretty pathetic I know, but it's okay. I'm only 19 and everyone seems to be getting married these days anyways, so I can wait; as long as all the good guys aren't taken!!!! hahaha jk, but it sure does feel that way sometimes.
Speaking of good guys, I had an AMAZING dream last night. It was the man of my dreams and he was seriously like MY Edward Cullen. I know, kind of a little nerdy girl fantasy but it was so romantic! It was on the beach, and he sped to me on a white horse so eager to get to me at last (I guess we hadn't seen each other for a while) We got married, but I don't remember that part (funny how dreams skip around), and then it was just the two of us (don't worry it was PG-13 people!). We gave each other the biggest hugs we had ever given someone and I started crying because I had finally found him. Someone to spend the rest of my life and all of eternity with, my other half, my soul mate...(tear). I felt like he was too good for me, and asked why had he chosen to marry me with so many other beautiful eligible girls out there but he then reassured me, with a tease and a smirk on his face for thinking such things, that I was the only girl for him and to not think such ridiculous thoughts. **(I know that there are no such things as soul mates and that we become our spouses soul mates over time but it felt like we were soul mates before we were even married!)**
(ANYWAYS,Back to the dream) He was all mine and I truly felt that I LOVED this guy and he completely and irrevocably loved me! It wasn't like a silly high school crush/boyfriend that I was in "like" with, it really felt like love... something that I have never really felt before and the excitement of just being with him was nothing I have felt before! And I'm not sure who the guy was either, his face was kind of blurred out like the people on cops hahahaha anyways, it SUCKED waking up that's for sure. Pretty pathetic I know, it's like my love life is in my dreams! So sad, but I hope one day I can feel like that for someone in REAL LIFE! I guess dreams like this are just motivation to keep my hope alive that there are still some good guys left out there who will make me feel the way I felt in this dream....It was so amazing, have you ever had a dream like this that you were so sad to wake up from? I'd love to hear that I'm not the only pathetic, hopeless romantic out there....

oh man meg! that is the worst! I bet one day once youve met your dream man you will think back on this dream and realize that the blurred man was him all along! awwww! Meg!!!