At the beginning of June my doctors and I decided that it was time for be to have exploratory surgery for Endometriosis. My symptoms kept getting worse and I had been on birth control since I was 13 for my awful irregular periods (Sorry, this is kind of detailed...). That's 7 years on the pill, I'd say it was time to find out what was going on for pete sake! So I scheduled my laparoscopy for June 6th. I didn't know what I was in for. I'd had surgery 3 times prior to this, it should be a piece of cake; boy was I wrong.

I get to the Davis Hospital in Layton around 10ish, we check in, pay some hospital bills and what not and then it's fine for me to go into prep. That part was quick because they finished with another surgery before me sooner than they expected. The nurse wheels me into the OR, and she attempts to start an IV in the back of my hand. Uh yeah, she missed the first time, going into my vein wall and it freakin HURT! Then she realized, oh that's NOT going in so she had to try again. Luckily the Anesthesiologist gave me something nice to inhale to make me relaxed.
Next thing I know I'm waking up in recovery panicking, and my bladder burning with pain. Apparently they had to put a catheter in to empty my bladder to see my insides better. What they had done is scoped out my insides for Endometriosis and found what they were looking for. Which is a relief to have an answer but kind of a bummer. The doc found some on my ligaments holding up my uterus and some on my bladder. He doesn't think I was born with it but instead was a result of "back flow" if you know what I mean. He was able to burn on the endo on the ligaments but didn't dare touch what was on my bladder, in fear of causing nerve damage.
I remember telling my mom that I never wanted a catheter ever again, even if I had to opt out for an natural birth one day instead of an epidural (which of course I would never do!). I was in recovery for probably about 2 hours and then I was on my way home.
It was kind of scary seeing the incisions they had made, no matter how small. But I had to change my dressings at least once a day so it could all heal. My doctor told me that Endometriosis can cause infertility but since mine was wasn't near the ovaries or fallopian tubes, he said I should be okay trying to get pregnant one day. THANK GOODNESS! I'm doing much better now, but my body is still trying to get used to my new regimen. My doctor won't let me menstruate every month in fear of the Endometriosis growing, which has been tough on my body.
So aside from my surgery, work and esthetics I'm not up to much. I've fallen in love with reading again. I find it so relaxing and a better alternative to escape this world rather than sleeping Hahah but I do still LOVE to sleep. I wish something exciting would happen in my life, no matter what it is but for now I'm content.
Beauty tip of the day: Dry skin ages faster than Oily skin. So dry skinned ladies, moisturize, moisturize, MOISTURIZE! AND wear your sun protection. Also, treat your skin to facials, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels to slow down aging.

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