Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I suggest everyone take a look at pinterest.com. It is so amazing! I have gotten so many food ideas and lots of other ideas! Also, if you want to check mine out go to http://pinterest.com/mjdancing.
So, I PASSED BOTH of my State Boards! Woot! Now all I need to do it get the rest of my hours. I graduate in 4 weeks but will be done completely in about 5-6 weeks because I have a lot of hours to make up after graduation. Stupid Mono!!!
Ever feel that your face looks like the photo below!?
  guide to prevent oily face
Beauty Tip: DON'T OVER WASH your face, or anything quite frankly! 1-2 times a day (for the face only so morning and night) is all you need. Over washing the face will strip the skin of oils, thus making the skin produce MORE oils. If you get a shine through out the day use some toner as it balances out oil production. Use rice paper (which you can get at Sallys or where ever) which will only take off the excess oil on top of the skin and not the oil down in the pores; so it won't strip your skin.  Or look for a moisturizer with microsponges in it which absorb oil throughout the day.  I love toners if you couldn't tell from my previous posts. Put your best face forward!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I have a new obsession with cooking good food!! And Conference was AMAZING!

Well General Conference ROCKED! My favorite talks were by President Uchtdorf and Sister Dalton. Uchtdorfs gave me chills with his quote "The most powerful being in the universe, is the father of your spirit" CHILLS! What a comforting thought! And Sister Dalton talked about the relationship between a father and his daughter. So CUTE! I am so grateful for my relationship between my Dad and my Father in heaven. Anyways, it was really good!
K, So like I said in my title, I have a new obsession with cooking really good food. I made some really good chocolate chip cookies the other day and the secret was one egg and one egg yolk. I then used the Egg whites on my little brother (Beauty tip coming up!) My next projects are homemade Tomato and basil soup, Cake Bites, Bianca Pizza, Chicken salad sandwich, Eggplant ricotta bites (I'm perfecting them), and what ever else I can find. Once I make them I will let you all know! If you have any amazing recipes, let me know!

K, beauty tip....I used the left over egg whites from the chocolate chip cookie recipe and I whipped it up with a electric mixer until it was foamy. I put it on my brothers face for about 5 minutes and his face was so smooth and not oily! Eggs whites are good for oily acneic skin and egg yolks are good for dry and dehydrated skin. Now for Cucumbers! They are a great anti-inflammatory, so good for inflamed acne, sun burns, and for inflammation around the eyes (hence the picture)! Plus is a great antioxidant! For those who are worried about fine lines and wrinkles, look for professional products with peptides. Peptides are smart, they trick the skin into thinking there has been a significant loss of collagen in the skin so it starts producing more collagen to make up for the "loss", but really your skin hasn't lots a significant amount of collagen so your really just producing more collagen on top of what you already had. Good luck Ladies and Gents with your skin!